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Kamis, Maret 14, 2013

Mengenai distribusi gratis “Tenohira ga Kataru Koto”「掌が語ること」
Melanjutkan proyek “Dareka no Tame ni”, lagu baru “Tenohira ga Kataru Koto” dibuat sebagai lagu pendukung pemulihan gempa.
Bagi AKB48, lagu ini ingin menyampaikan perasaan tentang “Ada sesuatu yang dapat kita lakukan. Membuat anak-anak tersenyum.” dan “Saya akan terus mendukung aktivitas pemulihan daerah bencana di tahun 2013”.
Harapan kami adalah seluruh dunia dapat mendengarkan lagu ini, turut berempati dengan para korban bencana, dan melalui hal itu semoga dunia dapat terhubung oleh satu perasaan yang sama…
Dengan harapan agar lebih banyak orang yang mendukung pemulihan ini, kami ingin merilis secara gratis lagu “Tenohira ga Kataru Koto” ke seluruh dunia.

America’s Middle Class Promise Starts Early

By Arne Duncan and Kathleen Sebelius. Reposted from the Huffington Post.

 In his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke forcefully about America’s basic bargain that people who work hard and shoulder their responsibilities should be able to climb into a thriving middle class. Restoring that bargain, he said, is the unfinished work of our generation.
But for millions of young children in this country, the first rung on that ladder is missing because they are cut off from the kind of early learning that would set them up for success in school — with consequences that could last the rest of their lives. Our Administration is committed to closing that costly, unfair opportunity gap through a new plan that will deliver high-quality preschool for every American child, and enhance early learning services for children from birth through age three.
Study after study confirms what every teacher knows: young children who experience secure, stimulating environments with rich learning opportunities from an early age are better prepared to thrive in school. Indeed, both of us have watched our own children expand their worlds and their minds in the years before they entered school, whether at home or in quality early learning settings. Unfortunately, many American children don’t receive these opportunities.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
